GIMP maintainer said on Twitter that they are currently in process of releasing 2.99.18.
I loved that! It is more or less same as GIMP 3.0 . So it will be fun to try it hands on.
GIMP maintainer said on Twitter that they are currently in process of releasing 2.99.18.
I loved that! It is more or less same as GIMP 3.0 . So it will be fun to try it hands on.
2.99.18 release. They call it a demo of GIMP 3.0
Remember, this is a test version, do not use it production.
I got it. The welcome screen is cool, it has many options like Inkscape.
I think they fixed the issue that GIFs get corrupted while exporting. There is a support for a number of image formats, which is a good thing in my opinion.
GIMP 2.10.38 released. Are you moving?
Comes with improved tablet support for Windows, a backport of many GTK3 features, bug fixes and more.
I was facing a lot of crash issues with 2.10.36, hopefully it is fixed in 2.10.38.
GIMP 3.0 will be released in next month Libre Graphics meeeting.
I have given up on GIMP and other tools. Adobe is way ahead.
That's not correct. If you try GIMP 3.0 development build, you will know there is a lot of exciting stuff in it.
It is true that those flashy AI features are not there. But who knows, someone will write a plugin for the same before 2024 is over.
Open source graphics software has their own place. The same can be said about Windows and Linux. There was time when people said no one cares about Linux. It is important to have alternatives for a good market.
Stable Diffusion in GIMP using Intel OpenVINO
Removing background using GIMP : How to
Use can either use rembg directly
Or install it and use the rembg plugin for GIMP
The GIMP new design proposal now moved to GIMP UX. We will be seeing a cuter GIMP soon?
That's a great move. Not before a couple of years though.
I like it too. Not hard, you know?
Sadly, GIMP has very few active developers. Even though millions use it. The good thing is, it is supported by the Gnome foundation which is capable of getting projects done.
Windows cursor making might get support for multiple sizes in GIMP.
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