Which forum software do you hate the most?

  • Xenforo is arguably the best forum software used by any webmaster who cares for paid forum software. There are other good forum software like Invision Community, WordPress and so much more.

    When there are good forum software, there are equally bad ones too. Which forum software would you consider to be bed and you use it no matter what?

  • I do not hate any software at all. It is someone's hard work. But if a software is too lean and most plugins are paid, I might think twice before using it.

    Some paid software like minting money from webmasters. While it is their business model choice, personally there is a chance that I skip them.

  • I wouldn't say that I hate any type of forum software but there are ones that I prefer over others. For example for free I much prefer MyBB or even Jcink for free hosted over say phpbb and for paid I much prefer Xenforo.

    Each forum software has its perks and good features but some may not be what everyone wants in a forum.

  • I think my least favorite to use would be SMF......feels dated and I never could get on with it. I don't necessarily 'hate' any forum software though.

    For paid, I prefer Xenforo & IPS

    Free? I like Jcink, MyBB, phpBB.

    Old dead softwares I used to love? DiscoBoards & HailBoards which was a fork of phpBB2 to mimic the old style of IGNBoards back in the day.....really miss that phpBB fork if i'm honest.

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