Posts by Shortie

    The death of forum is mainly due to the lack of reliable free forums. Hosting forums is costly and the returns are not great.

    This is true, as much as there are services to host a free forum, a lot of the time they are either not reliable or do not offer what those wanting to host free are looking for.

    Unfortunately, hosting and domain name costs are increasing and this will only build the decline.

    Will phpBB 4.0 be available in 2024? I am not sure. Are you?

    This is a good question, we have not seen anything yet I do not believe but that is not to say we may never see something.

    I personally don't use phpBB anymore but for those who do, I would imagine an update would be welcomed.

    I have seen this advertised when I have been watching YouTube videos and will admit, I have been drawn in by their advertisements but have not jumped in to check them out yet.

    I have heard they offer a great service and the prices are not too bad so will be checking them out.

    When it comes to the holidays I tend to change out the logo if I can, add a few little decorations or even use the holiday addon for Xenforo to add a little snow and some images and leave it at that.

    I do like how the holiday addon allows members to turn off the holiday effects if they do not like them which is ideal.

    Whenever I buy a new domain even if I have a plan on what I am going to use the domain name for, I always make it a one-year plan with auto-renew enabled. This way I can renew it if I feel the site I am using the domain name for is taking off and if not, I can disable and sell if I feel that is a better option.

    One year does seem to be the norm though.

    I am not in any competition with other forums. Not that I know of lol Forums are a hobby for many of us & to be taken lightly. I feel since forums are not as popular as they once were, owners should come together & help one another out, not compete. Unless it’s a light-hearted competition that is fun for all.

    This I completely agree with. With so many who still like to run forums either as a hobby or a business and forums declining as they have been, it's sad to see that some people still even now tend to compete with others to outsmart another forum or bring them down.

    I hope in 2024 to see more support and working together and less competition but I feel some are just set in their ways.

    I don't mind seeing a few emojis within a title on a forum as long as it is not over done. I feel it can bring some cheer to the forum and can look good if done properly.

    I have known some people to go crazy with emojis in titles and I have never been a fan of that.

    I always buy my domain names from Namecheap at the moment and have had no issues with them at all.

    I have found it quite easy to be able to sell domain names as well that I no longer have use for which has been a great help. Their hosting is one thing I have not used as I at the moment do not need hosting.

    I have been using WordPress for a while now and as much as I do love using it with Elementor, I have been concerned about whether the theme I choose to use could affect my blog in terms of SEO and also in terms of being approved by something such as Adsense.

    Can a theme on WordPress affect any thing with the site?

    I have seen this done only on a handful of forums but in some cases, it does work out really well especially if you have a credits system and a shop system on your forum.

    Allowing members to have their own forum section can allow them to post their services, work or even just use it to share stuff they enjoy. Allowing this to be possible with a shop addon and a credits addon means that the system will not get abused either as it has to be approved before becoming active.

    Would you allow members to have their own forum section?

    When it comes to running a forum, some forum owners tend to have certain sections of their forum where the post count does not increase. This is in some cases either a section for forum games or even a forum for daily threads where you can reply daily such as about the weather, what you last ate and such.

    Do you have any forums where the post count does not increase when it is posted in?

    Cryptocurrency is something that many people are very much unsure about. Whilst we have those that trust cryptocurrency and tend to invest in it, others are wary about doing so as they feel that it would be something that would not last and they would lose a lot.

    What are your thoughts on cryptocurrency?

    Running any kind of site whether it be a forum, blog or even a website, you will always come across someone who wishes to give you feedback on your site.

    Whilst most people take feedback and learn from it or build from it, some people look at the feedback and feel offended by it instead of thinking about how they can improve.

    How do you deal with feedback when it comes to your site?

    Most of us here will more than likely have our own forum, some of us create forums and run them as a hobby and others do it to make an income as well as enjoy the running and building up side of things of a forum.

    Forums are not as popular as they used to be since social media became popular over the years.

    Even though we see a lot of forum owners who enjoy working with others, I have also seen some forum owners who seem to be in competition with every other forum.

    What are your thoughts on those who compete with other forums?

    If you run a forum you will usually find yourself in a spot where you will need to hire people to be part of the staff to be able to take the workload off yourself, especially when your forum gets bigger and busier.

    When it comes to hiring new staff members, how much do you allow them to have access to when they are new before you know you can trust them?

    If you have a forum, most of you will have it set so that members of the forum are able to upload their own avatar for that personal touch in their account.

    Whilst most people tend to upload an image of themselves or of something they like, some people will opt to try and advertise in their avatars. In some cases, owners of forums do not mind this but some frown on it and do not allow it.

    What are your thoughts on advertising in avatars? Do you allow it?

    Bringing traffic to your site is something that is possible through many means as long as you put the work in that is needed to start bringing that traffic in.

    YouTube is one way that you can use to create videos that let the viewers know about your business, product, service or even website which can help you gain traffic from YouTube. It has been quite effective for many but it does take some work to see the traffic coming in.

    Have you noticed any traffic coming to your site from YouTube?

    When it comes to building backlinks, after doing it for a while you will start to see a pattern of which backlinks are working well for you and which ones are not.

    When it has come to building backlinks for your site, which places do you find work best when it comes to backlinks? Is there a specific site that works best?