I know that there's almost no area where AI tools can't be used. I know they can be used in graphics design but I haven't used it yet. I'm not ruling using it off because I know it's going to come good for some work. I'm looking forward to when I'm going to give it a try.
Posts by Ja sa bong
Personally, I don't like vBulletin forum software. It's hard for me to even be on forums that make use of it. My favourite is always Xenforo, Invision Community and Proboards.
Forum management should be a long term project. It's the only way you can be able to generate money from it after you have grown it for a while. All expenses would most likely be paid from your pocket at first before you will start seeing results.
I would say it's gaming niche. I understand the reason why it's like that with gaming because it's a big trend now and everyone want a piece of it. If you go to any promotion forum, you will see a lot gaming forums pushing their brand.
Users are more easy to get from general chat community. Discussions there are more easier to get into and it's why they seem to grow faster from my observations. But generally speaking, I don't have any problems with using either of them.
It's not a song I'm listening to but a movie trailer of The Equalizer 3. I'm looking forward to what the final chapter of the movie is going to be out in September.
External Content m.youtube.comContent embedded from external sources will not be displayed without your consent.Through the activation of external content, you agree that personal data may be transferred to third party platforms. We have provided more information on this in our privacy policy. -
It's a beautiful day today here. The weather is cool and bright. I'm looking forward to 8:00 PM when UEFA Champions League Final between Manchester City and Inter Milan will be played.
I can't think of any hosting provider that's as bad as what GoDaddy offers to their subscribers. They have the worst service downtime ever when compared to other hosting service companies. Ever since I dumped their service, I've not considered going back to it even if it's for free.
Xenforo is arguably the best forum software used by any webmaster who cares for paid forum software. There are other good forum software like Invision Community, WordPress and so much more.
When there are good forum software, there are equally bad ones too. Which forum software would you consider to be bed and you use it no matter what?
Search Engine Optimisation is harmered on all the time when you're thinking about having a website. It seems like you can't be able to do without it if you want your website to succeed right?
For those whom have own a website for a while, have you been able to do well without having to make use of SEO for your site?
Learning how to drive was easy for me. I only went to a drive test once and passed it. I know a lot of who find it very difficult to drive which I know it's just a thing of fear. As long as you overcome your fears, you will find driving easy.
SEO is very important for any website if the owner have interest in getting organic traffic. It's by ranking higher on Google that your website will stand a better chance of getting organic traffic from Google users.
For your website's Search Engine Optimisation, would you be interested in paying for it to be carried out by an SEO expert or would you do it yourself if you have the knowledge of how to do so?
I have been in some forum where I never got any private message welcoming as a new member in the forum. But I have seen it done in most forums I've used.
Do you see it as something necessary to do or an unnecessary waste of time and resources? According to one guy's post on reddit, most people don't read the welcome message sent to them which makes it irrelevant.
SSL certificate gives your website a level of protection especially to your visitors in making sure that all their data using on the site are secure.
A buddy of mine raised a discussion at work today asking if it's possible to hack SSL certificate and I'm not sure how possible that can be. Does anyone have any idea how possible it is to hack SSL certificate?
Having SSL protection on your website is very important because it will give your website visitors confidence to use your site with fear of losing their data.
If your new and still lacking in the knowledge of how to install SSL certificate on your website, this YouTube video will help you do that with ease.
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If the free SSL works without failure, you should make use of it if you can't afford to pay for premium SSL. I have cared about using free SSL on my website because I don't like any services which is doesn't come with a price. I don't trust such a service.
My forum is a long term project investment. It's why I pay for any subscription which I make use of in running and maintaining it annually because it saves me a lot of time and stress of doing it every month.
There's no better paid forum software above Xenforo in my eyes. It's what I've been working with for years and I've not been let down once. WordPress and Invision Community is good as well.
I only have eyes for using Xenforo forum software. It's the best forum software I've used and I don't see any other better alternative. It's why I've not bothered with changing it.
It depends on the nature of the forum's game before I would be interested in joining it. If it's the regular counting game, it's useless to me. I don't have time for it and it doesn't add any value to forums.