How hard do you think building a forum software on your own is? Have you tried doing it?
Is PHP your first option when trying the same?
How hard do you think building a forum software on your own is? Have you tried doing it?
Is PHP your first option when trying the same?
I have built a basic one first. PHP was the one that was always in mind. But recently, I am thinking of using React.
Worrying about the SEO factor. I am sure it would be a good SEO decision.
How about using Laravel? Is it better than using PHP for you?
Considering Laravel is a PHP framework, you are still on PHP in many ways.
But the development side gets a lot easier. For forums, SEO is important. So the way Google sees and index your pages is critical.
I think Laravel is a good option in that case. Safer PHP, if you like to call it.
Fine, there are many ways to build a forum software using Laravel. It is not that hard.
There are even pre-made packages like Tea Time which you can use as a base.
How much time do you think it will take to build a forum software like Woltlab, IPS or Xenforo?
That will be a huge task to accomplish. These software were not built in a day. Expert developers took month to accomplish them.
And, they are not just PHP. Many other technologies are involved.
Is 6 months enough to come up with a good forum software?
How many developers? Which all features?
Personally, I think one skilled developer can do it easily in 6 months. But there are other things like testing, code audit etc.
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