6 Tips To Increase Your Keyword Ranking In Google

How to rank your keywords

Why SEO?

It is no secret that people mostly rely on search results that are available on the first page of Google. Most of them never go beyond that page. It doesn’t matter how good your contents are if you fail to appear on the first page of Google search.

But how do you get your page listed on the first page of Google search?

There is no one trick to do that. Because Google makes changes to their algorithms every now and then ensuring that only quality and reliable content are listed as top entries.

As a webmaster and a content strategist ensure that you are following some basic rules so that your content and keywords rank good on Google.

1. Evaluate

Before trying anything, understand where your keywords stand on Google Search Engine Page Result ( SERP). Use Google Search Console and Google Analytics or any other reliable tool you have access to get the current status.

Make sure you identify your best performing keywords, where you can improve and which ones are not doing well.

2. Nurture

Focus on keywords that are already in the top 10 -15. Nurture them and improve their position on Google SERPs. It is important to target the right keywords and understand the search intent for your actions to succeed. Someone who is searching for that keyword is looking for a particular content. Make sure that you are delivering the result they seek.

Understand what type of content is in demand. In some cases it can be informative, some navigational, some transactional etc. Look at the content that is doing well on SERP.

Make sure that you check Google Autocomplete suggestions, People also Ask etc.

3. Clean

Make sure that your content is well written and optimised. On-Page SEO audits can help a lot in identifying and fixing technical issues like broken links, URL structure, duplicate content etc.

Ensure that you perform technical SEO audits from time to time so that you are giving your content and keywords a solid base to perform and help improve keyword visibility.

4. Identify

Preparing content for bots is always a bad idea. Ensure that you are writing for humans who can use the content to their benefit. Also, like it enough to share inside their friend circle on various platforms including social media. Understand how visitors are engaging with content on your website.

Identify the page load time, mobile ready nature, best performing pages, user experience, bounce rate etc and work on providing the best user experience possible.

5. Stay on top

Proper keyword research is always important for your keywords to perform on Google SERP. Understand that the content is read by humans and try to simplify them using proper topic title, subheadings, clear language etc. It is also important that you provide accurate data on facts.

Use proper meta and heading tags in your content. Keep a clean page layout with proper navigation, internal linking and call to actions ( CTA ).

Get yourselves a good server, optimise for mobile friendliness, easy page loading and better speed. Use clean and lean code to ensure better performance.

6. Don’t Stop

SEO is never a one time business. It never was. Follow the latest news on Google algorithm changes and try to keep up. Because your competition will.
