6 Things People Look For In A Business Website

A business website is an entirely different genre compared to hobby websites and blogs. It is the face of your business, your online identity and your sales pitch to a wider audience.

There are certain standards people expect when they land on a business website.

1. They don’t like to wait

It is just like your physical office. You are expected to treat them with priority and not keep them waiting. A forever loading home page / landing page is going to lose you a customer.

Optimise the code, images and invest in a good server. Don’t go for cheap options that will take the website to load forever.

2. Able to find what they need

People do not like to be in a maze. Display your services and products in a way that they are easily found. Use proper colour scheme, layout and navigation. A confusing page layout can not only cost you a customer but also affect your reputation.

Work with your team to ensure that surfing your website is a pleasant experience.

3. A method to contact you

They might have questions. Make sure that they can forward it easily to customer support. You can assign someone online all the time through a chat module on your website for best results. If not, ensure that your contact details are easy to find. A “ Contact Us “ page link in the main menu can help a lot.

To avoid spam, it is prudent to use a contact form rather than publicly displaying your email ID. You are expected to leave your phone number as voice calls are still a professional method to a large group of people.

4. Don’t expect them to be on a PC

Don’t expect your visitors to be on a computer. There is a good chance that they are visiting your website through a mobile device like a smartphone, tablet, iPhone, iPad etc. Ensure that your website is mobile ready and works well with all standard screen sizes and devices.

Do thorough testing at the developer end and confirm that the layout does not break when accessed through a different device.

5. Some background info about your business

Trust is an important factor while doing business. That is why most companies count the “ About Us “ page as a strong candidate in the main menu.

Get a talented content writer and present your journey so far in a professional and attractive manner. Very few understand the importance of the often disregarded “ About Us “ page.

6. An “ Order Now “ button

They are here to buy from you. Help them with it. If they like a product or service you are offering, don’t make it hard to find the “ Order Now “ button. Call to Actions are an important part of a business website. They need to be strategically placed on your website.
