Teach the camera what t follow in Blender

Gives better snapping inside Blender
Add depth feeling to your view port
Blender 3.4 is now available.
ChatGPT is now available inside Blender
Material Maker : https://rodzilla.itch.io/material-maker
Texture Lab : https://njbrown.itch.io/texturelab
A lot of people are going with Adobe Substance Designer as well. But the above options are free and open source.
Created my own PBR material of fabric using Material Maker.
The process is very simple.
First, I took a photo of a fabric material using my smartphone.
Open Material Maker, add the Image node, browse the image through explorer,
Connect the required options from the Image node to the Default node
Export the material for Blender.
That's all, you can now find the required PNGs or JPGs where you exported the material.
Use Ctrl + Shift + T to add them as material in the Shading window.
Understanding how Roughness and Normal map works
Blender 3.4.1 is now available
More free textures, models
A simple way to draw wires using curves
Lots of low poly models for free
Never came across such an extensive pack.
Free HDRI maps, lots of them
Coming soon in Blender in 2023
[Blocked Image: https://www.blender.org/wp-content/upl…23-1280x384.png]
Create realistic skys in Blender using the Dynamic Sky addon
A perfect answer to How to create a realistic sky in Blender?
Use Quick Snap for Figma, Inkscape like snapping in Blender
It is free and available on GitHub.
Check out Eva3D, a free 2D image to 3D library
Blender 3.5 is now in Beta phase.
I have heard so much about blender from so many people and I believe my brother also used it at one point as well. I haven't used it myself if I am honest but I have been told it is an awesome piece of software to work with if you get the chance.
The learning curve is what makes people stay away from it. It takes some time to get used to the UI and some people believe that the UX could be better.
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